'A pretty incredible gift': From blossom to market on a Palisade peach farm

'A pretty incredible gift': From blossom to market on a Palisade peach farm

The following is a broadcast and written story by Anne Herbst of 9News in Denver. She interviewed and filmed us for six months to capture the life cycle of a peach harvest—from springtime frost worries through orchard planting, farmers markets, deliveries and harvest. She uplifted the voices of our field and packing crews, and captured a beautiful moment in the succession of our farm from generation to generation. This is her story.

Planting A New Orchard

Planting A New Orchard

Before we'd finished our coffee last Wednesday, Thomas got a call that our new peach trees from the California nursery Sierra Gold were arriving a day early and that they'd already been dropped off at a farm a few miles away instead of the usual direct-to-farm delivery. Luckily the pallet and half we'd ordered fit on the flatbed of our Dodge pickup—just barely.... 

A Spring Update

A Spring Update

Experienced and hard-working orchard crew members—from Mexico, France and here in the Grand Valley—have been moving through the farm's considerable list of spring projects with momentum. Currently, they are lightening the loads of fruit bud-heavy peach trees by hand-thinning each branch. This process is always a race against the seasonal clock—thinning progress slows down as buds develop into blossoms that are more difficult to remove....